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Buying Commercial Multifamily Properties, Are They Valued Differently?

Keshav Kolur

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Commercial multifamily properties are much different than residential multifamily properties.

With residential you’re buying into a lifestyle, the location, and amenities. These things may be necessary to you, but don't necessarily drive the desirability or value of your property (unless you own a high-class nightclub).

Commercial multifamily properties are more like businesses. They provide a regular income stream covering maintenance and management expenses, so why do people still treat them like residences?

As an investor, it’s easy to think that buying commercial multifamily properties (CMH) is almost the same as buying residential real estate. After all, you’re buying houses and apartments for people to live in. But like any investment, there are many factors that come into play before deciding on how much to pay for a particular property.

Commercial multifamily properties come with a huge list of different factors that should be considered before making your purchase.

For example, when you buy commercial buildings, you aren’t buying residences; rather, it’s an income stream that is valued differently.

Here’s a brief insight into Multifamily real estate investment

A multifamily real estate investment is a type of housing that consists of several apartments. These multifamily real estate residential units may be found in groups of residences with a range of floor plans and carpet sizes, all within the same housing development.

A current real estate fad is multifamily real estate properties. Because it offers a simple, hassle-free living arrangement and a passive income structure, it is particularly popular with white-collar and blue-chip working profiles.

Large independent single-family homes can become cumbersome like a white elephant for a generation that is constantly on the go, requiring high maintenance expenses and minimal returns, and being challenging to sell.

In comparison, multifamily real estate homes provide fantastic alternatives for both living and business endeavors. And since its value has increased over time, getting rid of it is simple and profitable.

As a result, investing in multifamily real estate is a wise choice that will grow in value and yield impressive profits.

A multifamily real estate investment provides incredible opportunities and a wide variety of options in any direction the investor wants to go. The following are some essential elements that make multifamily real estate an exclusive and sought-after investment choice:

Factors Affecting Investment Strategies

It is very vital to choose the right and most appropriate investment plan after understanding the beneficial position of multifamily real estate investments in the real estate investment arena and the common investment modes.

There are various requirements and structures for distinct multifamily real estate profiles. Not all investing profiles are suited to a single approach.

Some important needs that relate to money must be carefully taken into account while choosing the optimal investing plan. These are mostly

Capital Needed

A crucial factor to take into account is the amount of cash needed and the amount of capital the investor or developer has on hand. 20 percent of the purchase price should be set aside, and the reserve amount and closing charges should be calculated precisely.

Liquidity Structure

When money is needed, liquidity is a crucial factor. The required liquidity is created by the sale of multifamily real estate. Here, the multifamily real estate property valuation has to be changed. But in the case of crowdfunding, this procedure is laborious and might take months. However, because REITs may be sold like stocks, liquidity in REITs can be attained right away.


Renting out multifamily properties is a great strategy to bring in passive income on a regular basis. Although it requires a lot of personal effort, this might give the investor a secure pocket.

Financial Risks

No matter the plan, it is highly recommended to weigh the risks and rewards of any investing method. This aids in determining how much risk can be accepted by the investor and developer and aids in mitigating risk. If at all, it all comes down to taking a calculated risk.

Income Profile

It's crucial to understand how much money will need to be made. The amount of revenue needed to support the multifamily real estate investment plan determines the risks taken and the investment methods chosen.


Multifamily real estate investment is one of the most profitable avenues for investment in the real estate industry, with one of the highest average total returns of 9.75 percent and a low variation of 7.75 percent. The wealthy and powerful elite section of society has historically made money by investing in multifamily real estate. However, new investors are overcoming the real estate moguls and joining the real estate market thanks to REITs, crowdfunding, and loans. These new investors bring in new blood, making multifamily real estate investment the investing trend in real estate.


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